
Hello and welcome to The Rambling New Yorker.  The purpose of this blog is to record my journey from the New York City area to the Deep South.  I look on this relocation as an adventure.  My hope is that others can learn from my experiences, whatever they may be.  

Of course it might help to know a little bit about me.  I was born in the Bronx, but grew up in Congers, NY and went to school upstate.  Thus my roots are firmly in New York where much of my family still lives.  By now you must be wondering why someone like me decided to move to the South.  The short answer is employment.  Specifically, I recently accepted a position as an Electronic Services Librarian with Delta State University.   It is located in Cleveland, Mississippi about two hours south of Memphis.  As a 26 year old recent graduate with no kids, pets, or a significant other I am more mobile than ever.  Now is thus the perfect time for an adventure.

In the coming weeks I will be posting more about my upcoming move.   This idea occurred to me only late in the moving process and so somethings will be discussed in retrospect.  My father, step mother, and I depart for Mississippi Tuesday morning following everything from the apartment I vacated in Albany. 

Article by Mike

Mike is the Head of Discovery Services for the Delta State University Library. He has lived in Cleveland since May 2013.

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